Not a flash light. Not a lighter. Not a spot light. . . it's LIGHTS.
My dear snister Ahlin helped me find the light by introducing me to one of her best songs in my opinion, DRIVE MY SOUL. This song helped me get through some seriously bumpy times. I listened to it so much, that the little kids I nanny
had all the words memorized by the end of the summer. She is amazing.
Now don't get me wrong, I can appreciate a solid man voice like the next person.. but there's something about a girl rockin out that makes me feel powerful. And that's exactly what LIGHTS is all about. This 22 year old beauty has been singing and writing music since she was just a youngin. She's from the great land of Canada (surprised? don't be. the majority of artists I'll be talkin about are krazy kanucks. they're might be a little out there, but boy can they sing). The girl loves anime cartoony stuff. Which is hilarious and awesome at the same time. So don't let her music video turn you off. It's a little funky. Just let the music move ya. She's one of those artists where her face doesn't match her voice. Honestly when I first saw this video I thought she looked like a little punk. But I've heard some interviews with her and she seriously LOVES what she does. She's adorable.
Anyway... her real name is Valerie Poxleitner. Hence her name. . . i think my font just's ok. just mixin it up. anywho.. My point is, that this girl is amazing. She writes all her own music, which is pretty sick. It's a little techno pop (now don't be scared, it's not that kind of techno) that'll get ya goin for the day. You can often find me at a stoplight, singing SAVIOR at the top of my lungs while onlookers..look..on. ok. I'm going to bed. Hasta la vista. Go download SAVIOUR, DRIVE MY SOUL, LAST THING ON YOUR MIND, I OWE YOU ONE, IT'S OVER CASANOVA, and FEBRUARY AIR. In that order. Then come back and post a comment telling me that your life is now a little better. Ok I kid.
did not know she was canadian. that pretty much sums up the theory of canadians being the best musicians.
HAHA I love you two!
I agree, Canadians are the best musicians
You should also download, pretend and the listening. Those are my two favorites!
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