.Love. Live. Breathe. Music.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

. benton paul .

i'm going to slow things down a bit with a solid artist. nothing to snazzy (did i just say that?) about this guy, benton paul. just a good basic guitar. i first discovered him opening at an allred concert at one of the only venues in sunny stg. but his voice drew me in. if i need to relax or sleep or do homework - this is my man.

coudn't find much about him. i'm pretty positive he's from utah. go to your local venue. you'll find him soon enough. he's touring with david archuleta at the moment. love.

{doesn't hurt that he's cute}

here's my fave song of his
don't go

1 comment:

ahlin said...

bennnnton. he's so nice too. love that hair. and smile. and face. and voice. and everything.