.Love. Live. Breathe. Music.

Friday, December 25, 2009

.forest world.

i have a lovely sister named niki whom i dearly love. she's gorgeous and amazing and smart and lives in provo. she's had quite the array of housemates over the years, which i usually have no problem with, and life goes on as they come and go. but last year i met quite a wonderful creature. her name is sam. and i love her. she's hilarious and fun and downright breathtaking. we've had our adventures and i love her to death. through our journeys, it has been mentioned in passing that sam has an electro pop band. i thought, cool, and didn't think much of it.
but one fateful night, i was sitting in my sisters house, tired as can be, with no energy in my body whatsoever, when my sister grabbed me and said we had to run drop by a party. i said no. why would i subject myself to a house cramped with dozens of people i don't know, all trying to be somebody special in this world. but, as usually happens, niki won.
when we arrived, it was exactly as i predicted. i pouted and shoved myself into a corner of a couch, with questionable stains, and tried to look as unapproachable as possible. of course, one person would have none of this. out of nowhere, and in a blur, sam came and excitedly hugged me and loved me and said she was so happy i was there and then in another dainty blur, was gone.
a few minutes later, i felt something in my feet. a thud. i felt it again, this time in my heart. a third time, in my finger tips. i closed my eyes, and let this familiar feeling take over. music. as i listened, this sound took over and found its way into every crevice of that cramped house, and into the soul of every person there. just then, the most haunting, delicate, inspiring voice came on. i had to see who these people were. i stood up on the couch, only to see my little sammy rocking the core of that party. it was forest world.

the second i got back home i found their fanpage on facebook and got a link to their site. and guess what, you could download their songs right there. so i did. and i loved it. usually i'm not a fan of the electro world so much, but this is different. so please. go to their site. download their music. love their album super bright skullz. and since my birthday was on wednesday, as a present for me, donate a couple bucks to their band. they're giving you their music for free for goodness sakes. anyway. this is my heart.

my personal fave is holy knives. cuts me deep.

don't be ashamed if you catch yourself staring at this man sean. he's gorgeous. it's only natural.

1 comment:

Sean said...

true thanks for the shout out!